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What Are Effective Techniques for Opening Calls in Real Estate?

October 08, 20245 min read

1. Start with a Friendly and Warm Introduction

First and foremost, your tone matters. A friendly, confident introduction sets the tone for a positive conversation. Be personable, and make it clear who you are and why you're calling. Here’s an example:

For friendly toned prospect
"Hi [Client's Name], this is [Your Name] from [Your Real Estate Agency]. How are ya mate?"


For deep toned or grumpy prospect
"Hi [Client's Name], [Your Name] here with [Your Real Estate Agency], Is now a good time to speak?"

This simple greeting is polite and engaging without overwhelming the prospect. It shows you are genuinely interested in speaking with them and puts them at ease from the start.

2. Ask Open-Ended Questions

After introducing yourself, the next step is to ask questions that invite conversation. Avoid simple "yes" or "no" questions. Instead, aim for open-ended questions that encourage the prospect to share more about their needs and preferences.

"I understand you're looking for a new home. Can you tell me more about what you're searching for and what’s most important to you in a property?"


"I'm doing a quick survey, I was wondering if you'd be open to share some thoughts around [Popular topics e,g. the current RBA Rates]"

This approach encourages the prospect to talk about their preferences, giving you valuable insights into their needs. Asking about their priorities helps establish that you’re interested in their goals, not just making a sale.

3. Match the Person’s Tonality

One of the most effective communication strategies is matching the client’s tonality. This means adapting your pace, energy, and speaking style to align with the person on the other end of the line. If they speak softly and slowly, mirror that. If they are upbeat and fast-paced, respond with similar energy.

If a client is more laid-back and speaks softly, you could say:
"I completely understand, and I want to make sure we find something that feels right for you."

Matching their tone and pace fosters comfort and rapport, making them more receptive to what you’re offering.

4. Show Empathy and Active Listening

When the client starts talking, it’s crucial to show that you are actively listening. Empathy helps build trust, making the prospect feel understood and valued. You can do this by reflecting back on what they’ve said or asking follow-up questions to show you’re paying attention.

Client: "We’re looking for a 3-bedroom home with a big backyard because we have young children and need space for them to play."

Agent: "That makes a lot of sense. Finding a safe, spacious home for your children must be a top priority. Are there any specific neighborhoods you’re looking at where you think your kids would enjoy the most?"

This shows the client that you understand their situation, which helps build rapport and trust early in the conversation.

5. Highlight Your Value Right Away

People want to know that they’re speaking with someone who can provide value. During your opening call, make sure to highlight how your services can benefit the prospect without diving into a hard sell. This can be done by briefly mentioning your expertise, recent success stories, or the unique qualities of your agency.

"At [Your Agency], we specialise in helping families like yours find homes that fit both their lifestyle and budget. I’ve recently helped a client in [Neighborhood] find the perfect home for their growing family, and I’d love to do the same for you."

This brief mention of success builds credibility and shows the prospect that you’re experienced and capable of delivering results.

6. Keep It Conversational

Don’t bombard the client with information or sound like you're reading from a script. It’s essential to keep the conversation natural and relaxed. By doing so, the client will feel more comfortable sharing their needs and engaging with you.

"So, tell me, what’s inspired your decision to look for a new home right now?"


"I was wondering, what are you looking for when working with a realtor? Is it the experience? The portfolio?"

This open-ended question invites the prospect to open up and share their personal motivations, which can lead to a deeper connection and more productive conversation.

7. Offer Value Before Asking for a Commitment

Instead of immediately asking for a viewing or meeting, offer something of value first. This could be helpful information, such as market insights or property suggestions based on their preferences.

"Based on what you’ve told me, I have a few properties in mind that I think would be a great fit for your family. Would you like me to send you more details about these homes and arrange a time for you to view them?"

By offering value upfront, you position yourself as helpful and non-pushy, which increases the likelihood of the prospect moving forward.

8. End with a Clear Next Step

Once the conversation is flowing and you’ve provided some value, wrap up the call by clearly outlining the next steps. This could be setting a time for a property viewing, sending additional information, or scheduling a follow-up call.

"It sounds like we’ve got a great idea of what you're looking for. How about I send you a list of properties that match your criteria, and we can schedule a time to view the ones you’re interested in?"

Providing a clear action helps keep the momentum of the conversation and moves the lead closer to becoming a client.


Opening calls in real estate require a balance of professionalism, engagement, and warmth. By starting with a friendly introduction, asking open-ended questions, actively listening, and providing value, real estate agents can establish trust and build strong relationships with potential clients. Remember to keep the conversation natural and always offer a clear next step to move the lead closer to a successful close.

By incorporating these techniques, agents can turn every opening call into an opportunity to connect with and convert leads.

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Edouard Hakim

CEO of Three Dashes Agency Director of MarkSales

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